Reborn out of Quarantine

Reborn out of quarantine, North Peace Piano moved from a solely in-person “regular” location-bound studio limited to the Spruce Grove / Stony Plain, Alberta region to an entirely online studio, without geographical limitations. Make music where you are.

2.5 months into live online lessons (since our Spring Break here in Alberta), we're settled in. 🤗 It’s a way of life now, and we've settled into this new reality, without counting on when things will return back to "normal." Online teaching will always be at least a part of how we do things, even if we make in-person lessons available when it's safe to do so. It's been determined: There is nothing we taught in person that we can't teach online. It just takes a different way of thinking about teaching (not better or worse, just different, sometimes even more innovative).

One thing that took some getting used to that comes almost naturally now: Looking at the camera while speaking to the student, instead of at the student's face on your screen 😅(which to them looks like your gaze is just slightly off, and can be unsettling if it's for the whole lesson).

😀For your entertainment, here's Kim taking advantage of her setup of camera angles while practicing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata 3rd movement! Because why not...? 🤷‍♀️